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Spectrometric Analysis is a technology that is used for trending wear metals, contaminants, and additives. Spectrometric analysis is capable of tracking particles that are 8 microns or less. The main focus of this technology is to give the end user an accurate indication of the concentration of the particles detected. Results are reported in parts per million (ppm).

Solids & Water Content determines the percent solids and percent water present in the sample. Solids debris can come from a variety of sources. Water compromises the lubricating properties of the oil and can lead to component corrosion. Upward changes in the level of solids and water percent may indicate adverse changes are occurring to the lubricant and equipment. Results are reported as percent solids and percent water.

Viscosity is the one of the most important properties of an oil. Therefore, viscosity determination is a critical component of an effective analysis program. Viscosity is a measurement of the lubricant's resistance to flow. A decrease in viscosity may indicate contamination with a solvent, or fuel. A decrease may also be due to contamination with a lower grade viscosity oil. An increase may indicate lube oxidation or contamination with a higher grade lubricant. Results are reported in centistokes (cSt).

Particle Counting will quantify the number of particles that are found within the sample. However, particle counting will not determine the composition of particles present. Excessive lubricant particle contamination is a major cause of equipment failure. All particles are counted and reported over a particular size range. Results are usually reported as the number of particles per volume of fluid.

Acid Number is a measure of the amount of acidic agents present in the sample and indicates lube oxidation or contamination. Tracking and trending a lubricant's acid number provides an indication on the overall oxidation state of the lubricant. A steadily increasing trend indicates the lubricant is breaking down and remedial action should be implemented. Results are reported in mg KOH/g of oil.

Base Number monitors the reserve alkalinity of the lubricant. This value is critical to the analysis of engine lubricants. A decrease in the base number indicates a corresponding decrease in the lubricant's ability to neutralize the combustion process. Results are reported in mg KOH/g of oil.

PQ Index is a measure of total magnetic ferrous debris in the sample irrespective of particle size. Can be used as a primary tracking and trending tool, especially in systems that generate a high rate of particles. The test is usually performed on engine oil samples and on samplesthat are opaque or have water contamination.

Infrared Analysis monitors the chemical composition of the oil in certain infrared wavelengths. Contaminants such as glycol and water can be detected using infrared analysis. Lubricant degradation products, such as oxidation and nitration, can also be monitored and trended. Results are reported in absorbance per cm (abs/cm).